Within the world of blogging, there are so many ways to recognize and promote other blogs that you read or bloggers you know. Along with that, there are also blog awards!
I am lucky enough to share that I have been nominated/honored with an award from a fellow blogger, Heidi of Skinny Jeans & Yoga Pants. Heidi & I have never met, but we both work for the local company Hot Mama & share a love of fashion! THANKS HEIDI!
Rules of the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award
- All recipients need to thank the giver
- Post 7 things about yourself
- Pass the award on to 7 other bloggers of their choice and let them know that they have been nominated.
- Include the logo of the award in a post or on your blog
7 Random Facts about "One Firey Fashionista:"
1. YES, we know that "Firey" is spelled wrong! (correct spelling = fiery), but after creating the blog/email addresses, etc we didn't want to go backwards & change it all....and we kinda liked the idea of it looking more like "Fire-y"!!
2. I teach Junior High Science (11 years & counting), and I LOVE it (most days)! Whenever I tell anyone what I do I usually get the response, "Oh, you're a saint." or "Wow-good for you." It's really not that bad!! If it was, I'd have moved on by now!
3. I LOVE my red (curly) hair and I've honestly never hated it! Even though Anne of Green Gables was a favorite of mine-I never tried to dye my hair black or despise being called "Red".....It's a unique feature, along with my freckles, that I love & embrace!
4. I married the Man of my dreams....and I met him online! ...on a free dating site no less...I couldn't have picked a better guy(actually he "picked" me) -I'm the luckiest girl in the world!!
5. I love to draw/paint/etc....though it's been years since I've touched a paint brush! =(
I started painting while living in LA at the studio where my older sister works, Mission Renaissance, and I LOVED it....would love to have one of these studios here in MN so I could have an "excuse" to start painting again!!!
6. I am a family girl. I LOVE my sisters....we are each only 2 years apart & it couldn't be better-they are my best friends & the people I go to first with anything (well, except my hubby). It was great sharing a house with the 2 of them = 3 closets worth of clothes!
7. I love vintage/antiques/etc...if I could live in another time period it'd be the 1920s. I LOVE the flapper-style from the 20s (as well as the decor/furniture). I wish there were more excuses to dress up in costume, as that's always the era (or really any type of pin-up style) that I love to style & wear!
7 Blogs I love:
I have my list of blogs I regularly read off to the right posted on my blog permanently, so I tried to find other blogs I've recently stumbled upon or blogs of local MN fashionistas!
1. For All Things Lovely -just found this blog after reading my November issue of Lucky mag...love her style!
2. realiabyjen -Jen, the designer/creator of the fabulous jewelry I usually am wearing every day has also started blogging-right through her website-check it out (if you haven't already)!
3. J's Everyday Fashion -love her style inspiration photos that she shares along side how she created a similar look!
5. Apartment 34 -style for yourself & your home = lifestyle blog-love it!
7. Sidewalk Ready -personal style blog written by a girl in Michigan
Of course I could probably continue on and on with this list, as my "bookmarks" go much beyond a list of 7, but I'll stop here.
A great way to find more blogs is to check the "favorites" lists on the blogs that you already read, love & follow (such as mine just here to the right).
It's how I stumbled upon many that I read & follow!! Happy blog-reading!
Just one more thing to leave you with...I have stumbled upon this quote several times in many different places & just had to share. It always makes me think...